How to book with us

Booking Overview

Covards booking works through contact, we would love to automate this process, but right now that is not possible due to a shortage of resources.

How to contact

Contact us through any means provided, as we set up a time where our instructor can come in. Once this is done, we can talk about lesson plans and the group of kids participating

What supplies do I need?

Nothing! Covard will provide all electronics, lesson plans, and technology needed. However, a projector or whiteboard provided on site would be appericated.

What age should I book this for?

Covard is hoping to target younger kids, 5-10, to create an intrest and break down fear barriers earlier. However any age is fine, and we will gladly teach anyone.

How long will these lessons take?

It every much depends on the group and the project, normally it will be a one to one and a half hour block of time.

Anything else I need to know?

Covard is a very small non-profit, although we would love to always be available, our schedules are packed. Please be patient, we can promise we want to work with you! That is all!

Contact Us

If you would like Covard to visit your educational facility, or have any questions/concerns, please reach out

