Our Main Mission

Covard's main goal, and it's original purpose is to end the gender and race gaps in the sciencntific fields. Currently 73% of workers in the science fields are men, 67% of workers are white. That is 73% of salaries, and 67% of opportunities that are being missed.

Our Second Mission

"When creating Covard, I struggled with finding resources from sources that reflected my situation. Most guides written were for large scale companies, and specifically offered no information about starting an organization as a minor. So I added that to covards mission statement." -Grace Thomas. Covard's focus on highschoolers, is a way to help fix this problem. By allowing students into our buissness meetings and seeing how a company is run, it gives them confidence in starting their own entrepreneurial dreams and ideas.

Why is this important

Representation is always important. Without people seeing others who look like them in a field that they are intrested in, they can get discuraged to pursue something, or start to think that they to not belong in that field. Which is shown by thousands of studys

How to get involved

Want to come to a seminar, donate, volunteer, or host us at a school/ childcare program? contact us through any of the means provided below.

Want to start?

Book a free class, or teach your own with our free to access Lessons

Contact Us

If you would like Covard to visit your educational facility, or have any questions/concerns, please reach out

